David Wadsworth
Originally trained in Physiotherapy, David graduated from The University of Queensland with first class honours and the University Medal for academic excellence in 1995. He completed a Masters of Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy at Griffith University in 2008, again winning the academic prize. He is one of only a handful of Physiotherapists worldwide who have completed clinical masters degrees in both sports Physiotherapy and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy.
David completed a two year course in the multi-system management of chronic pain in the USA in 2001. This lead to a change in the focus of his practice, enabling his approach to chronic problems to move beyond the mechanical (musculoskeletal) model to incorporate cranial, visceral, myofascial and endocrine approaches. With his continual focus on chronic pain & dysfunction, David established Chronic Pain Solutions in 2007 to better deliver personalised care for complex problems. He re-named the clinic to Pain Solutions Qld in 2014 when he moved into our current Milton rooms. Pain Solutions Qld successfully treats people with chronic & acute dysfunctions in all systems within the body.
A Focus on World Class Care
David has almost 30yrs full time clinical experience including public and private practice in Australia and the UK, and has operated his own private practice in inner Brisbane since 2000.
In addition to private practice, David has been involved in teaching other manual therapy practitioners, both in Australia and Europe. He has been a guest lecturer at several university Physiotherapy programs, although his teaching focus primarily involves post-graduate level teaching to other clinicians.
David’s passion is helping people overcome difficult and persistent problems. He’d be happy to help you overcome your pain.
Appointments: things you should know

Your initial
Please bring any imaging (MRI, XR etc) with you.
Payment (EFTPOS / VISA / Mastercard) is strictly at time of consult.
We do not accept third party payments or do reports
You will be issued with an invoice with all applicable details for your records
Consultation Fees
All consults are one-on-one.
Initial (up to 60min) consult: $280
Follow-up consult (up to 1hr): $280 (longer times also available)
Short follow-up consult: $180 (up to 30min)
When You Arrive
Free parking is available on-site for patients
If you do not have any imaging this is not a problem. I can arrange this if required.
Last minute cancellations attract full fees